IPL Photo Rejuvenation
Help restore a youthful looking skin and clearer complexion. The beauty of this non-invasive treatment is that there is virtually no ‘downtime’.
From $195
IPL rejuvenation skin treatments are designed to treat the signs of photo ageing such as:
- Brown spots/Freckles
- Melasma,
- Broken capillaries
- Redness
- Rosacea
- Large pores
- Scarring
- Wrinkles
- Skin texture; and
- Sun damage.
Allow 45 minutes.
How does it work?
The IPL device shines bright, intense light onto the areas of the skin being treated. This procedure heats up the collagen beneath the skin and encourages the body to produce more collagen. The dark spots will darken and eventually fall off. This production of collagen is what causes the anti-aging results of IPL photo rejuvenation.
How many treatments are needed?
Multiple treatments may be required in order to achieve the best results. This will differ between individuals and our clinician will be able to inform you of how many treatments are recommended in order to achieve the best results for you.
How to prepare for your appointment:
- A compulsory test patch must be performed within the week prior to having this treatment.
- Avoid unprotected sun exposure for 2 weeks prior to any IPL treatment.
- Stop any medications that may cause excessive bleeding
- Discontinue antibiotics (if recommended)- Please consult your GP before stopping any medications
- Avoid any skincare that contains retinoids
- Drink plenty of water before and after your treatment