Aftercare – Collagen Stimulating Injections
What to expect after having Collagen Stimulating Injections:
It is normal to experience one or more of the following:
- Redness
- Swelling
- Tenderness
- Asymmetry – this is normal
- Bruising – this will not alter the final result of your treatment and will resolve within 10 days
- You may feel like you look the same as you did pre-treatment. This is normal as the treatment results are gradual and the lost collagen is replaced gradually.
The redness, swelling and tenderness should resolve within a few days.
At home Aftercare:
- Massage Protocol – The 5-5-5 Rule
Massage the treated-areas for 5-minutes, 5-times a day, for 5-days after treatment. This “massage” should consist of mid-pressure rubbing all along the injection sites. (These areas might be sore immediately following the treatment, but it is still important to massage the areas anyway.) - Ice
A cold compress should be applied within the first 24 hours after your treatment. Avoid putting the ice directly onto your skin – use a towel to wrap the ice. This will help reduce swelling.
If you are unwell or concerned about your treatments, please contact us at the clinic so we may advise and support you.
Things to avoid:
- Avoid sun exposure 2 hours post treatment
- Avoid medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen, and supplements such as multivitamins, fish oils, glucosamine and vitamins B and E for 1-2 weeks. (Please check this with your GP first)
- Avoid heat inducing activities including: strenuous exercise, spas, saunas or hot showers
- Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
- Avoid pressure on the area such as laying on the face
- Avoid active ingredients within skincare such as AHAs, retinols and vitamin C as well as oil-based makeup for 24 hours
- Avoid facials, facial waxing, chemical peels, skin needling, IPL or laser treatments for 2 weeks following treatment.
- A cold compress should be applied within the first 24 hours after your treatment. Avoid putting the ice directly onto your skin – use a towel to wrap the ice. This will help reduce swelling.
When will you see results?
The collagen production will begin 8-12 weeks after your treatment and will reach its peak within the first 6 months. A second treatment may be recommended at approximately the 12 weeks mark in order to ensure that the results last up to 12 months.
The results will vary between individuals and some client may need multiple treatment sessions in order to achieve their desired results. Longevity will depend on the amount of product used, the compliance with aftercare and personal factors such as metabolism. In most cases, annual maintenance treatments are recommended.