IPL Hair Removal

Luminous One is the most advanced and effective intense pulsed light technology for long term hair removal. The Luminous One IPL offers a gentle, non-invasive, long- lasting solution to unwanted hair on the face, legs, arms, chest, bikini line (including the ‘Brazilian’ area) or any other location on the body where there is dark hair growth.

Benefits of IPL Hair Removal:

  • Permanent reduction in unwanted hair
  • Reduced change of ingrown hairs
  • Avoid shaving rash
  • Can avoid waxing
  • Skin is smooth

Who should be treated with IPL?

  • Not suitable for dark skin types.  Not suitable for treatment of hormonal pigmentation
  • Not suitable for patients who have been on Roaccutane in the past 6 months.
  • Not suitable if patient has open wounds, infections, rosacea, psoriasis or dermatitis.
  • Not suitable during pregnancy.

Allow 15-60 mins

How many treatments are needed?

How many treatments are needed?

During your consultation our clinician will be able to advise how many treatments they expect you need in order to achieve the best results. The number of treatments required will differ between individuals and will depend on the severity of the hair. On average, usually between 6 and 8 treatments are required.

How to prepare for your appointment:
  • Shave the area to be treated on the day or day before your appointment
  • Avoid tanning lotion
  • Avoid spray tans
  • Avoid excess sun exposure for 2 weeks prior to treatment
  • Stop any medications that may cause excessive bleeding
  • Discontinue antibiotics (if recommended)- Please consult your GP before stopping any medications
Treatment Cost

From $20-$150 (6 to 8 treatments is recommended)

Please feel free to discuss package options with us.