Aftercare – Skin Boosters

What to expect from your treatment with Skin Boosters:

It is normal to experience some redness, swelling, tenderness and bruising following your treatment with Skin Boosters. The redness and tenderness should resolve within 2-4 days post treatment and the bruising should clear after 1-10 days. The swelling and bruising may give a false appearance of unevenness, however this will settle.

Your results will not be immediate, but will develop over time.

Immediate Aftercare:

  • A cool compress may be applied to help with swelling – apply for 10-15 minutes each hour.
  • Drink plenty of water to encourage best results from your treatment
    Avoid touching your face for 6 hours post treatment.
  • Use a gentle cleanser with warm water to clean your face if needed after 6 hours
  • Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 24 hours
  • Avoid makeup for the first 24 hours and use a light water-based or mineral makeup if necessary.
  • Use high quality skin care with antioxidants and hyaluronic acid to reduce irritation and hydrate the skin.
  • Avoid active skincare ingredients such as AHAs, BHAs, Retinol (Vitamin A) and Vitamin C for 3 days post treatment.
  • Avoid high intensity exercise for 24 hours.
  • Avoid sun and heat inducing treatments such as spas, steam rooms and saunas for 72 hours post treatment.
  • Avoid excess alcohol and caffeine to help lessen swelling.
  • Avoid Aspirin and Ibuprofen for two weeks following treatment. Please check with your GP before stopping them if needed for a medial reason. Paracetamol may be taken to assist with any discomfort.
  • Avoid supplements such as multivitamins, fish oils, glucosamine, Vitamin B and Vitamin E for 2 weeks as they may intensify bruising
  • Anica cream or tablets, or Hirudoid cream may be used to help with any bruising.
  • Avoid facial treatments, facial waxing, IPL for 2 weeks post treatment.
  • Follow instructions regarding massage given from your injector.

Follow-up Appointment

The number of treatments needed to achieve optimal results will vary person to person. In most cases 1-3 treatments is recommended. You may have a second treatment anytime after 4 weeks following your first treatment. A maintenance treatment is also recommended every 6-12 months to obtain the best results.